Cartus filtrant SPARTAN 10″ carbon bloc construit din carbune bituminos.
Scop filtrare: eliminare clor, trihalometan, substante organice, pesticide, erbicide, benzen, cloroform, tricloretilena, solventi, hidrocarburi aromate etc. Peste 90 de substante chimice sunt filtrate de carbunele activat granular prin adsorbtie.
Technical specifications:
*Dimensiune (H*Ø): 10″ x 4-1/2” (254 cm x 114 cm)
*Temperatura min / max: 4°C – 45°C
*Debit permis: 11.33 l/min
*Durata de filtrare: max 6 luni
*Compatibil cu carcasa: Spartan Blue 10″
Precautions in use:
Do not use with hot water, use only with cold water.
Do not use with microbiologically unsafe water. Water contaminated with bacteria should first be treated by specific methods and then filtered through an activated carbon bed. If this is your situation we suggest you consult our team of specialists.
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