Filtrul pentru casa SPARTAN BLUE TRIO 10″ AZURA FILTERS – 5 MICRONI, CARBON BLOC, KDF filtreaza: clor si subprodusi ai clorului, erbicide, pesticide, substante organice, sedimente (mal, rugina, nisip),metale grele (plumb, arsenic, cadmiu, mercur, cupru).
Filtrarea se face in trei etape, cu trei cartuse filtrante, prin 6 tehnologii de filtrare.
Instalare filtru pentru casa SPARTAN BLUE TRIO 10″
It will be installed on the main supply pipe to the house, the cold water supply pipe.
Water compatibility:
- It can be installed on any water source disinfected with chlorine, on any water source in controlled public networks;
- Apa de forja/put – se va instala pe o astfel de sursa, doar daca apa nu este contaminata bacteriologic.
Purpose of the filter:
- eliminarea clorului din apa
- water filtration for better water quality
- gust mai bun
- protection for plumbing, central, boiler, water batteries
- protectie la dus impotriva clorului si a metalelor grele
Other applications:
- restaurant/catering kitchens
- vacation homes
- protection for commercial and industrial reverse osmosis/nanofiltration/ultrafiltration systems
This filter contains:
Step 1: SPARTAN 10″ 5 micron SEDIMENT FILTERING PAPER 10″ 5 microns
* Cartridge exchange periods
Small and medium-sized houses with average water consumption:
Treapta 1: 4 – 6 luni
Treapta 2: 6 – 8 luni
Treapta 3: 6 – 8 luni
Large houses with high water consumption:
Stage 1: 6 months
Stage 2: 6 months
Treapta 3: 6 luni
*Note: the periods mentioned are purely indicative. The exchange period is directly influenced by the water quality and the volume of water consumed.
Technical specifications housing:
- made of shock-resistant reinforced plastic
- compatible with a wide range of chemicals
- available with vent and depressurization valve
- suitable for contact with drinking water
- contains wrench for collecting and removing carcasses
Technical features:
Dimensiuni: Lungime 62 cm x Inaltime 47 x Latime 20 cm
Debit maxim: 2,1 mc/h
Debit pt declorinare eficienta:1.36 mc/h
Connections: 1″ internal thread
Working temperature: min./max. 2/45°C
Min/max pressure: 1-5 bar (we recommend using with a max. pressure of 4.5 bar)
2-year warranty, except for cartridges as they are consumables
Produced by: AZURA FILTERS
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