Filtru sedimente cu grad de filtrare 5 microni pentru eliminarea particulelor in suspensie. Se utilizeaza pe retelele principale de apa, de obicei pentru un singur punct de consum, precum o masina de spalat rufe/vase, un robinet etc.
Contine kit de instalare: carcasa filtru, cartus filtrant polipropilena, cheie filtru, suport prindere perete.
Filter cartridge is made of polipropilena multistrat. Water filtration is done from the outside to the inside retaining sediments on the entire surface. Retains suspended solids such as sand, mud, rust and other sediments.
Technical features:
Min./max. pressure 1.5 - 6 bar.
Min./max. temperature 5 - 40°C
Dimensions mm: 315 x 120
Connection: 1/2″ - internal thread
Debit permis: 20 l/min.
Filter cartridge replacement period: depends on water quality and volume of water consumed. The indicator for changing the cartridge is its color. When it turns dark brown, it is time for replacement.
Filter installation: to be installed on the cold water pipe only!
The filter warranty is two years. The filter cartridge is consumable and not covered by warranty.
Country of origin: Italy
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