NANOAZURA ULTRA SMART NF85 - HYDROGENATED ALKALINE WATER este in momentul de fata cel mai performant sistem de filtrare a apei existent si singurul care pe langa o apa nano filtrata prin tehnologia cu nanofiltrare, ofera o apa alcalina, hidrogenata si in acelasi timp cu ORP negativ.
Acest lucru este posibil prin constructia unica a acestui purificator cu cele mai performante materiale, inclusiv prin prezenta si actiunea filtrului Biocera, certificat NSF si testat FDA.
Deci pe langa sistemul de filtrare foarte performant NANOAZURA ULTRA SMART NF85, veti obtine o apa antioxidanta, hidrogenata si alcalina.
Pe langa filtrele foarte performante ce sunt incorporate in acest sistem, purificatorul NANOAZURA ULTRA SMART NF85 afiseaza informatii despre durata de viata a cartuselor, afiseaza TDS-ul apei ce are legatura cu durata directa cu calitatea acesteia si este dotat cu un sistem unic de auto curatare a membranei de nanofiltrare. In plus, sistemul este dotat cu alarma in cazul pierderilor de apa. De fapt, purificatorul este dotat cu un microcomputer inteligent!
Calitatile apei obtinute cu sistemul de filtrare NANOAZURA ULTRA SMART NF85, prin actiunea filtrului BIOCERA (productie Coreea de Sud):
- contains silicon which prevents Alzheimer's;
- rich in infrared rays with countless advantages: prevents the growth of bacteria, balances the body's acidity, regulates cholesterol, activates the molecules in our body, improves the functions of the nervous system;
- creates negative ions in the water;
- creates alkaline water by raising the pH of the water and enriching it with minerals;
- eliminate chlorine;
- has an antibacterial effect through the action of silver ions;
- enriches water with magnesium which has the effect of reducing muscle contractions;
- enriches water with hydrogen and reduces active oxygen;
- decreases the ORP of the water to negative, just like in the case of water ionizers (ORP = Oxidation Reduction Potential);
- The water will be strongly moisturizing due to its smaller molecule clusters.
Access the BIOCERA filter datasheet: BIOCERA FILTER
Precizie de filtrare: 0,001 microni
This model is equipped with a booster pump that increases the filtration capacity. A pressure source of only 1.5 bar (as it contains the pump) is required to realize the filtration process.
Desigur, NANOAZURA ULTRA SMART NF85 detine certificari de tipul TSE-HYB si este fabricat din materiale certificate la randul lor: NSF si SGS. Toate aceste certificari se afla in posesia noastra iar la solicitarea dvs. vi le putem prezenta.
Guarantee "FULL THANKS" = Garantia ca sistemul de filtrare NANOAZURA ULTRA SMART NF85 are efectul promis.
Purificatorul de apa NANOAZURA ULTRA SMART NF85 functioneaza si de aceea oferim acest echipament cu 30-DAY MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE. The purpose of this type of warranty is only one, your satisfaction.
Noi garantam ca Purificatorul NANOAZURA ULTRA SMART NF85 va functiona si pentru tine. Daca nu esti multumit dupa 30 de ZILE cu performantele sistemului, te rugam sa ne contactezi intr-o perioada de 30 zile dupa perioada de testare si utilizare. Daca nu putem rezolva problema ce te nemultumeste, banii pe echipament vor fi inapoiati in intregime dupa ce ne vei inapoia echipamentul. Nu vei plati nici macar costul de transport!
Configuratie unica de filtrare pentru NANOAZURA ULTRA SMART NF85 – garantam ca o astfel de filtrare nu veti mai intalni intr-un alt sistem cu nanofiltrare.
Sistemul de filtrare NANOAZURA ULTRA SMART NF85 contine multiple straturi de filtrare prezente in 6 cartuse filtrante si anume:
The first filter (is translucent to see when the filter gets dirty): CARTUS FILTRANT 1ST 5 MICRONI ANTIBACTERIAN RO100 / NF85 - contains pure polypropylene with 5 micron filtration grade, impregnated with nano zinc. The role of this filter is to pre-filter the water for rust, dirt, sand and other particles and to destroy bacteria through the action of nano zinc.
Perioada recomandata de schimb pentru 1ST: 4- 6 luni.
Al doilea filtru: CARTUS FILTRANT 2ND CARBON GAC RO100 / NF85 – mediu filtrant carbon granular obtinut din coaja de nuca de cocos. Rolul acestui filtru este de a filtra gust, miros, clor, trihalometani, substante organice, erbicide, pesticide, reziduuri de medicamente, insecticide, fenoli, hidrocarburi poliaromate si multe alte substante chimice.
Recommended exchange period for 2ND: 12 months.
Al treilea filtru: CARTUS FILTANT 3RD CARBON ANTISCALE RO100 / NF85 – rol de tratare anticalcar pentru protectie pompa de presiune si membrana de nanofiltrare. In plus, are capacitate de filtrare pentru clor, trihalometani, substante organice, erbicide, pesticide, reziduuri de medicamente, insecticide, fenoli, hidrocarburi poliaromate.
Perioada recomandata de schimb pentru 3RD: 12 luni.
Al patrulea filtru, fiind si “inima sistemului” CARTUS FILTRANT 4TH MEMRANA NANOFILTRARE 85 GPD – aceasta membrana are capacitatea cea mai puternica de filtrare dintre toate filtrele. Capacitate de productie 13.30 litri/ora.
Recommended exchange period for 4TH: 12 months.
Fifth filter: ALKALINE, ANTIOXIDANT, ANTIBACTERIAL, BIOCERA FILTERING CARTRIDGE - this cartridge is unique in the world and provides water with antioxidant properties by enriching it with hydrogen and carefully selected minerals and NSF certified.
Recommended replacement period for Biocera: 12 months
Al saselea filtru: CARTUS FILTRANT 6TH PH ALCALIN SI GAC RO100 / NF85 - Granular carbon filter medium made from coconut shell and limestone to increase and stabilize the pH of water. Water becomes alkaline (or increases alkalinity) by using this filter cartridge. This filter also has a finishing and taste-correcting function, making the water very pleasant to drink.
Perioada recomandata de schimb pentru 6TH: 12 luni.
Note: the time for changing filter cartridges is directly dependent on the quality of the filtered water.
Cartusele filtrante si costurile aferente, le gasiti prin accesarea (click) butonului virtual “CARTUSE DE SCHIMB“, aflat sub imaginile de produs (in partea de sus a paginii).
Where do we use and for what?
NANOAZURA ULTRA SMART NF85 se monteaza in general la bucatarie, sub blat, iar consumul de apa se face prin bateria de apa purificata oferita in kitul de instalare. Este o baterie moderna, argintie, ce se potriveste cu orice bucatarie moderna.
Water purified in this way is used for daily consumption, for making tea and coffee, for cooking, for washing fruits and vegetables.
Atentie! Sistemul de filtrare NANOAZURA ULTRA SMART NF85 este proiectat si gandit sa purifice apa din retelele publice controlate, dezinfectata si declarata potabila. Nu utilizati sistemul (fara sa ne consultati) cu apa din surse proprii precum apa de foraj/put, apa de suprafata. In astfel de cazuri este necesar un buletin de analiza a apei. Specialistii nostri va stau la dispozitie prin consultanta de specialitate si va vor indica cu exactitate ce filtre va sunt necesare pentru a trata apa din surse proprii, dar numai pe baza unui buletin de analiza a apei.
Utilizati NANOAZURA ULTRA SMART NF85 doar cu apa rece. Nu montati pe conducta de apa calda!
Will you wash dishes with filtered water?
Raspunsul este NU. Kitul de instalare permite ca numai apa ce se doreste a fi consumata sa fie filtrata. Purificatorul NANOAZURA ULTRA SMART NF85 contine kit de instalare in acest sens.
What do I get in the delivery?
- Aparatul de filtrare cu filtrele aferente, mentionate mai sus;
- White pressure hose for filtered water more than sufficient for fitting;
- Silver metal battery for drinking purified water with NSF certified, lead free;
- Connection piece under the sink 1/2″ with faucet to close/open the water to the filter;
* Piesa de bransare pentru scurgere, pentru apa reziduala;
* Storage tank for collecting purified water;
* Tap for the storage vessel;
The filtration system is mounted under the sink and only the special battery supplied in the installation kit is mounted on the sink. The installation is not difficult, however it requires little technical skills or an installer. Upon purchase we will provide you with the User Manual. For Bucharest and Ilfov you can ask our team to install the filter for you (extra charge).
When starting up, before drinking water, fill and empty two storage vessels (the one provided with the filtration system). After installation, for a few days, you will see fine air bubbles in the glass. This is absolutely normal and will occur until the filter media is completely soaked.
Attention! It is necessary that the filter system is connected to 220V.
Changing filter cartridges - nothing could be simpler:
Schimbul filtrelor se realizeaza foarte simplu si nu este nevoie de chei si unelte complicate. Totul dureaza 15 – 20 minute. Singurul cartus care are nevoie de cheie, este mebrana de osmoza inversa. Cheia pentru acest filtru o gasiti in kitul livrat cu purificatorul.
- se opreste apa – se deschide bateria de apa filtrata pentru depresurizare – toate filtrele sunt cuplate prin cuple rapide, totul fiind foarte simplu. Nu este nevoie de forta, nu este nevoie de chei speciale, oricine poate efectua aceasta procedura.
- Garantie: NANOAZURA ULTRA SMART NF85 are Garantie pe Viata. Cartusele filtrante sunt consumabile si nu intra sub incidenta garantiei.
Other technical specifications:
*Presiune minima a apei de intrare 1 bar;
* Maximum inlet water pressure 5 bar;
*Flow offered 1.7 liters - 2.5 liters/minute;
*Capacitate de productie 13.30 litri/ora;
*Includes installation kit with hoses, filters, connectors and battery for consumption of filtered water;
*To be installed only on the cold water pipe, never on the hot water pipe.
- dimensiunile aparatului: 500 x 260 x 420 mm (Lungime x Latime x Inaltime)
Guarantee: On Life
Puteti primi consultanta gratuita pentru compatibilitatea Purificatorului NANOAZURA ULTRA SMART NF85 with your water source. We have water treatment professionals who can give you the best advice for water purification and treatment.
Thank you for your attention and interest! Water is life and clean water means health!
Corneliu costachescu -
Ce perioada schimbate filtre necesita aparatul?
Exemplu: Apa cangea filtru se schimba la 2 ani și costul filtrului e de 400 lei .
Vreau oferta
Technical-Commercial Advisor -
Schimbarea filtrelor se va face o data pe an. Desigur, depinde si de calitatea apei. Daca apa vine murdara, primul filtru prin care trece apa se va schimba mai des, 6 luni si respectiv 12 luni.
Va trimitem prin email toate detaliile, cu toate ca preturile sunt afisate deja pe website-ul nostru.
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