Bine ai venit la dedurizatorul tau AZURA ECO BI-BLOC echipat cu valva de comanda WS1CI (SUA). Iti multumim ca ne vizitezi si iti garantam cu nu ai putea face o alegere mai buna.
AZURASOFT ECO BI-BLOC trateaza apa pentru 5 probleme:
- duritate; fier; mangan; amoniac; substante organice.
Modelul de dedurizator echipat cu valva WS1CI (SUA) este unul dintre cele mai bune sisteme de imbunatatire a apei pentru case individuale. Apa din mediul nostru, devine in fiecare zi mai proasta, din ce in ce mai dura, ceea ce cauzeaza probleme in instalatii, probleme ce afecteaza orice echipament ce intra in contact cu apa. Aceste echipamente ce intra in contact cu apa (centrala termica, boiler, baterii de chiuveta, masina de spalat etc) vor avea nevoie din ce in ce mai des de mentenanta si service.
Garantia „MULTUMIRE DEPLINA” = Garantia ca dedurizatorul AZURASOFT ECO are efectul promis.
The AZURASOFT ECO Dedurizer works and that's why we offer this equipment with a 45-DAY RETURN GUARANTEE. The purpose of this type of guarantee is only one, your satisfaction.
We guarantee that AZURASOFT ECO softener will work for you. If you are not satisfied after 45 DAYS with the system's performance, please contact us within 30 days after the testing and use period. If we are unable to resolve the issue you are dissatisfied with, your money for the equipment will be refunded in full after you return the equipment to us. You won't even pay the transportation cost!
Prin utilizarea statiei de dedurizare cu valva WS1CI (SUA), te vei bucura de urmatoarele beneficii:
* Energy saving
* A great daily shower
* Fine skin and soft hair
* Cresterea semnificativa a perioadei de mentenata si service pentru centrala de incalzire, boiler, masina de spalat, baterii chiuveta etc
* Save money by reducing detergent consumption
* Cost scazut de mentenanta pentru statia de dedurizare AZURASOFT ECO
* Functionare complet automata
Atentie: daca ai orice intrebare legata de utilizare sau de mentenanta cu privire la acest echipament, te rugam sa ne contactezi prin telefon sau email
• Valva de comanda WS1CI fabricata din material Noryl (foarte rezistent la socuri si uzura)
- EEPROM non-volatile memory
- Fully automatic with digital display
- Regeneration with treated water
- Display, exact time, days remaining until regeneration, volume of water remaining until regeneration, instantaneous flow, volume of softened water
- Dry or wet salt tank, as desired
- Making brine with softened water
- No mechanical friction components, optical piston positioning
- Lithium battery with 8 hours back-up (in case of power failure)
- Reduced salt consumption
- Reduced regeneration water consumption
- Salt alarm
- Salt bowl included
Choosing the AZURASOFT ECO softener:
If you need our advice on choosing the right water softener, we are at your disposal by email and by phone on the phone number displayed on the website. We will be happy to guide you to the best choice.
Below (access by link to the technical data sheet) you can see the available models for which you can find prices by selecting the desired model from "Softener model" next to the "Add to cart" button. The price of the water softener will change according to your choice. Technical data sheet here: CARACTERISTICI TEHNICE PENTRU DEDURIZATOARELE AZURASOFT DIN SERIA ECO BI-BLOC WS1CI
Pentru obtinerea unei duritati a apei sub 1°G, trebuie respectat debitul din tabel (vezi fisa tehnica). Totusi, valvele de comanda cu care sunt dotate dedurizatoarele din seria ECO BI-BLOC WS1CI, permit debite mult mai mari dupa cum urmeaza:
– valva 1″ permite un debit maxim de 6,12 m3/h
– valva 1¼” permite un debit maxim de 7,7 m3/h
Pentru dedurizatoare cu minim 80 l rasina, este necesara o configurare speciala. la pretul afisat se va adauga 105 eur + TVA. Aceasta configurare este obligatorie, mai ales in zona comerciala si industriala.
Detinem dedurizatoare pentru orice debit necesar. Pentru capacitati mai mari, va rugam sa contactati firma.
AZURASOFT ECO softener installation:
The water softener must treat all water entering the house or other applications before any consumer. It shall be mounted on the cold water pipe, immediately after the water heater or pump and before the central heating plant and boiler. It is advisable to install a sediment filter before the softener. This will ensure your peace of mind and long trouble-free operation. Without a sediment filter, there is a risk that dirt in the water will clog the injectors and the channels through which the softener regenerates. It is not recommended to use softened water for watering your garden and plants. There is a certain amount of sodium in softened water that can affect plant growth and development. For this, ask your installer to install a tap in front of the water softener, where you can connect your garden hose.
Montaj si punere in functiune dedurizator AZURASOFT ECO:
La cererea clientului asiguram echipa de montaj si punere in functiune. In cazul in care clientul nostru doreste sa realizeze montajul personal sau cu instalator propriu, acest lucru este posibil. Echipa AZURA FILTERS ofera schema de montaj si carte tehnica in limba romana. In plus garantam asistenta tehnica prin telefon si prin email pana cand echipamentul este montat si functioneaza la parametrii optimi.
*at commissioning the customer must provide pill salt, minimum 25 kg (one bag). This salt can be found in major DIY stores and other retailers. On request we can recommend a salt supplier.
Bypass pentru izolarea statiei de dedurizare AZURASOFT ECO:
Orice echipament pentru tratarea si filtrarea apei ar trebui sa aiba un bypass. La fel si statia de dedurizare. In cazul dedurizatoarelor cu valva WS1CI (sua), bypass-ul vine separat si il puteti comanda de pe site-ul nostru. Puteti vizualiza bypass-ul apasand pe accesorii in pagina curenta. Este foarte important sa existe un bypass, in cazul in care este necesara interventie de service. Acest bypass se poate realiza si de catre instalator cu trei robineti si teava pentru montaj.
Connection to the drain:
The drain for the softener shall be below the height of the softener when possible. Connection shall be made to a minimum 1" drain. The maximum distance between the softener and drain shall be no more than 20 feet.
Residual hardness adjustment:
Residual hardness refers to the hardness of the water after it has been treated and run through the softener. You may not want the hardness of your water to be below 1 degree German, which makes your water feel very soft. The manufacturer does not recommend a certain residual hardness. We recommend a residual hardness between 3 - 6 degrees German. If you would like this, please let our team know and ask us how you can adjust the residual hardness.
Dedurizatoarele cu valva WS1CI nu sunt sisteme de filtrare si potabilizare a apei cu scopul de a rezulta apa potabila. Daca apa ce necesita tratare cu sistemele noastre vine din reteaua publica de apa, atunci cu siguranta, calitatea acesteia va fi imbunatatita.
Daca apa nu a fost tratata in prealabil si nu vine de la reteaua publica, sursa fiind de foraj sau ape de suprafata, atunci este necesar un buletin de analiza a apei din punct de vedere fizico-chimic si bacterian. Doar cunoscand toti parametrii apei se pot alege echipamentele potrivite pentru potabilizarea apei. Contacteaza-ne pentru un tratament adecvat apei tale!
Other warnings:
Nu utiliza dedurizatorul cu apa calda, mai ales la o temperatura de peste 36°C.
The temperature of the room where the softener is placed should be between 4°C - 45°C.
The system should not be installed in a damp room. Make sure that you have adequate ventilation where there is no moisture.
Recommendations for maintenance and sanitation:
Check salt levels - monthly
Check the water hardness level at the inlet - monthly
Check the water hardness level at the station outlet - monthly
Sanitation - annually (by the service team)
Salt tank cleaning - annually (recommended to be done by the service team)
General technical check - annually (by service team)
Increased sodium in water
Cel mai mult sodiu pe care-l consumam provine din hrana. Deoarece sare este un excelent conservant, este adaugata in hrana. Sodiul consumat o data cu apa este relativ mic in comparatie cu cel din hrana. Chiar daca este asa, este foarte important sa ai mereu in vedere ca dedurizatorul creste nivelul de sodiu din apa prin comparatie cu apa ce nu a fost tratata.
The maximum regulated level of sodium in the water is 200 mg/l (law no. 311 of June 28, 2014 amending and supplementing law no. 4208/2002 on drinking water quality). It is possible that in some cases the softener may add a higher sodium level than the regulated one. If this is the case or if there are people who are not allowed to consume salt, it is better to install a reverse osmosis filter in the kitchen.
You can check our reverse osmosis filters on our website.
Softener warranty:
All AZURASOFT ECO series softeners are covered by a three-year warranty against any manufacturing defects.
Water hardness analysis:
In cazul in care nu cunosti nivelul de duritate al apei tale, te rugam sa ne contactezi telefonic sau prin email. Daca este posibil ne vom deplasa la tine pentru a realiza un test de duritate iar daca distanta este prea mare, ne poti trimite 500 ml apa pentru a testa duritatea acesteia. In functie de rezultatul analizei si de alti parametri solicitati de noi, iti vom indica modelul de dedurizator potrivit.
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