Sterilizator filtru apa de 6W compatibil cu orice purificator sau filtru de apa ce se instaleaza sub chiuveta.
Sterilizatoarele cu ultraviolete sunt special concepute pentru dezinfectia apei cu scop de potabilizare. Acest echipament se utilizeaza in mod uzual pentru un singur punct de consum, mai exact se ataseaza la filtrele de apa potabila fie ca acestea sunt ceramice, cu ultrafiltrare, cu osmoza inversa. Este ultima treapta in procesul de purificare. Acest sterilizator nu poate fi utilizat pentru dezinfectia apei la nivel de casa deoarece nu suporta debitul respectiv.
Caracteristici tehnice sterilizator filtru apa:
Model: LBR-EC-S01
Debit maxim: 120 l/h
Number of lamps: 1 pcs.
Putere: 6W
Racorduri: 1/4″ filet exterior
Diametru: 60 mm
Lungime: 260 mm
The ultraviolet sterilizer is indicated to be used for any water, whether the source is from the public water supply or from your own source (well/well water).
Eficienta sterilizatorului cu ultraviolete este strans legata de calitatea apei de alimentare. Pentru eficienta maxima, se recomanda ca apa ce urmeaza a fi tratata sa aiba urmatorii parametrii:
Maximum hardness: 7 degrees German
Iron <0,2 mg/l
Hydrogen sulfide <0,05 mg/l
Manganese < 0,05 mg/l
Suspensions < 10 mg/l
If the water does not meet the conditions mentioned above, it is necessary to treat it beforehand with specific media and suitable equipment.
About editing:
Se va monta pe diferite filtre de apa ca ultima treapta de tratare. In unele cazuri, in functie de necesitate, se poate instala si inaintea sistemului de filtrare (cu prefiltrare potrivita).
It will only be installed on cold water!
Din ce este compus sterilizatorul UV 6W?
- stainless steel housing - 1 pcs;
- quartz sheath - 1 pc;
- ballast (transformer) - 1 pc;
- UV lamp - 1 pcs;
- power cable - 1 pc;
- clamp - 2 pcs;
- o-ring - 2 pcs.
Sterilizatorul UV contine o lampa ce are durata de viata 9000 ore, aproximativ un an. Dupa 9000 ore, lampa trebuie schimbata altfel sterilizatorul va deveni ineficient.
Caution! Direct or reflected exposure to ultraviolet light will cause painful eye and skin irritation. Persons who may be accidentally exposed should wear special goggles, gloves and suitable protective clothing.
Final note: based on our experience, the disinfection rate with a UV sterilizer is between 10% - 80%. Of course, this rate is influenced by the type of sterilizer, the flow rate and the physico-chemical conditions of the water. In reality, the disinfection rate with a UV sterilizer can be lower than 10% but also higher than 80%.
Warranty: the warranty period is two years, except the replacement UV lamp which is a consumable.
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