Category Archives: ECOLOGIA APELOR

Less than 3% of the water surface is fresh. An even smaller percentage is accessible to humans. An even smaller percentage is drinkable and fit for everyday use. These are good enough reasons for each of us to be responsible in terms of water consumption and water pollution. In this section we will learn how to save water and avoid water pollution. 

Remember: behaving responsibly with water is not just a choice to be considered "green" or to have a certain way of thinking that is influenced by environmentalist currents. It is simply a protection for each of us and our descendants. This responsible or ecologically responsible behavior reflects on our health and on the health of our children. Is there anyone who does not want health for himself and his family? Obviously we all want health. Polluted water means sickness. Clean water means health. It is time to be responsible for the health of ourselves and our children!
