Mediqua AK-2000 – instalat in orasul Satu Mare – ionizator de apa ce produce apa alcalina hidrogenata molecular. Construit cu 9 placi din titan acoperite cu platina produs in Coreea de Sud. Acest ionizator se poate instala atat sub chiuveta cat si pe chiuveta. Modelul prezent in galeria foto este cu instalare sub chiuveta.
Ionizatorul Mediqua AK-2000 detine nenumarate certificari printre care si certificat de dispozitiv medical, obtinut tot in Coreea de Sud.
Mediqua AK-2000 este printre putinele ionizatoate de apa care este produs cu placi din titan si platina pline, adica negaurite sau de tip plasa cum sunt majoritatea ionizatoarelor mai putin performante. O placa de titan acoperita cu platina, plina, ofera o supratata de contact cu apa mai mare, ceea ce conduce la o calitatea a apei mult superioara, un pH stabil si un ORP mai negativ (cantitate mai mare de hidrogen molecular in apa).
Despre apa hidrogenata molecular si produsa de ionizatorul Mediqua AK-2000
Molecular hydrogen is present in ionized alkaline water through very small bubbles. It is molecular hydrogen that provides our bodies with energy and is much more easily adsorbed by our cells, because hydrogen cannot even be stopped by metal containers. H2 is so small that it can penetrate any tissue and any human cell. Any other antioxidant, such as vitamin C or other vitamins, contain much larger molecules compared to H2. Molecular hydrogen is the most powerful antioxidant known.
About the benefits of ionized water enriched with molecular hydrogen
- improves the immune system and provides cell protection;
- removes free radicals from our body;
- it is more easily assimilated in the body, so it moisturizes much better compared to any other water;
- improves blood circulation;
- reduces aging and reduces wrinkles at the same time;
- helps in the recovery of athletes after strenuous efforts, helps in muscle recovery, in case of muscle fever;
- reduces problems caused by constipation;
- improves the lives of patients with tumor problems who are under treatment;
- lowers blood cholesterol;
- helps in various diseases: diabetes, cardiovascular, Alzheimer's.
- The best hydrogenated water is the one consumed immediately. This water can also be kept in the refrigerator for 25 h but only in glass or stainless steel containers.
- In Europe hydrogen is considered and approved by the Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) as a food additive.
Bananas are very rich in antioxidants, yet about 1.5 liters of hydrogenated water consumed is similar to eating 765 bananas. The logic is simple: in how long can you eat 700 bananas? In how long can you consume 1.5 liters of water?
Ionizatorul Mediqua AK-2000 din galeria foto (click pe poze pentru zoom in) de mai jos este instalat in orasul Satu Mare.
In cazul in care ai achizitionat si instalat un ionizator Mediqua AK-2000 de la noi, te rugam sa ne trimiti poze cu el, pentru sectiunea noastra de Installed Equipment.
PS: Un sfat ca pentru un prieten. Schimbarea apei este probabil cel mai bun lucru pe care-l poti face. Oare trebuie sa-ti spun de Bisfenol A (substanta chimica cancerigena) ce ajunge din peturile de plastic in apa (apa imbuteliata si stocata necorespunzator) sau mai nou, microparticule de plastic prezente in apa imbuteliata? Doar o cautare pe google despre „BPA in water" ori "microplastic in bottled water" and you will see that what I am telling you are not persuasion texts but the water you are drinking.
If you are 70% water, ce oare este mai important decat consumul unui ape curate, fara chimicale iar in cazul ionizatorului Mediqua AK-2000, chiar o apa antioxidanta, care iti curata corpul si-l alcalinizeaza? Hotararea de astazi face diferenta de maine!
Mai jos ionizatorul Mediqua AK-2000 instalat in Satu Mare: