TAC Next Scale Stop NSS-120B, uses salt-free technology called Template Assisted Crystallization.
Tested and verified!
Tested by independent laboratory to prevent deposits, TAC Next Scale Stop are o cota de 99.6% pentru prevenirea depunerilor, singura tehnologie care a atins aceasta performanta, fiind mai eficient care orice alta alternativa.
TAC certifications, Next Scale Stop: NSF standard 61.
Recomandat pentru un debit continuu de 20 l / minut si pentru varfuri de debit pana la 25 / minut.
Maximum recommended hardness: 72.8 German degrees
Note: tehnologia TAC nu functioneaza ca un dedurizator clasic, prin schimb ionic si prin inlocuirea din apa a sarurilor de calciu si de magneziu cu sodiu. Din acest punct de vedere, ar trebui numit decalcificator sau mai corect conditionator. Deci, aveti in vedere faptul ca nu este un dedurizator traditonal si ca ionii de calciu si de magneziu raman in apa dar sub o forma care stopeaza depunerile. Deci, duritatea apei va ramane aceeasi, inainte de tratare si dupa tratare cu TAC.
Dedurizatorul TAC Next Scale Stop NSS-120B – previne depunerile in instalatii si protejeaja echipamentele.
Depunerile calcaroase din instalatii, blocheaza conductele, robinetii, distruge centrala termica si boilerul. Cu TAC next NSS-120B, vei economisi bani si vei aea timp pentru tine, nu timp pentru reparatii!
Dedurizatorul TAC Next Scale Stop NSS-120B - By using TAC technology, you remove existing deposits in installations and considerably extend the life of water-using equipment. If you have used untreated hard water, deposits have formed in the installations. Using TAC technology will gradually clean the installation. The classic water softener cannot do this!
No chemicals needed - green - environmentally friendly!
The classic softener uses salt for regeneration, which is not at all economical and environmentally friendly, as this brine has to be discharged to the sewer after the regeneration process.
It's 100% environmentally friendly and economical without buying salt. Because Dedurizatorul TAC Next Scale Stop NSS-120B, not using salt, you'll save money that you can use for anything else.
Minimum maintenance and low costs
Statiile de dedurizare clasice contin valve de comanda electronice sau mecanice ce au nevoie de intretinere, curatare perioadica. Acest lucru necesita specialisti, adica costuri pentru dvs. Dedurizatorul TAC Next Scale Stop NSS-120B contains no moving parts so absolutely nothing can wear.
No electricity - installed anywhere
Dedurizatorul TAC Next Scale Stop NSS-120B, it doesn't use electricity, and it doesn't discharge water to the sewer. So it can be installed anywhere!
Cost savings
Dedurizatorul TAC Next Scale Stop NSS-120B – it pays for itself in time, because you no longer buy salt, you no longer use electricity, you no longer pour water into the sewer, pumped by electricity or paid to the water authority!
Did you know that 1 mm of limescale in your boiler or central heating system reduces the heating output by 10%? And this deposition occurs in less than a year! And in three years it will reduce the heating output by up to 241TP33T!
Replacement parts
Pentru ca nimic in aceasta lume nu dureaza la infinit, cartusul trebuie schimbat o data la 2 ani. Acest mediu filtrant este singurul consumabil, fara alte reparatii si piese de schimb ca in cazul dedurizatoarelor clasice!
Installation conditions:
- will be installed at the entrance of the house on the main cold water pipe;
- if there is more than one treatment/filtration equipment, install the last one in the filtration scheme;
– se va instala inainte de orice echipament casnic sau de incalzire, ce ce doreste a fi protejat de calcar;
- if the installation is made of copper, the water will be used for four weeks before it is treated and run through the Dedurizatorul TAC Next Scale Stop NSS-120. Tehnologia TAC nu are voie sa intre in contact cu cuprul. Dupa utilizarea a patru saptamani, conductele de cupru vor fi pasivizate, iar acest lucru va impiedica ca ioni de cupru sa ajunga in mediul filtrant TAC.
– recomandam instalarea unui filtru de sediment, cu grad de filtrare intre 5 – 20 microni, inaintea dedurizatorului TAC Next Scale Stop NSS-120. In acest fel, mediul filtrant TAC, va ramane curat si performant.
– in cazul in care apa este clorinata (retele publice de apa) recomandam instalarea unui sistem de filtrare cu carbune activat;
- we recommend the installation of a bypass, consisting of pipes and three valves, in case of service or change of filter medium.
Modele TAC Next Scale Stop NSS-120B:
- NSS-120B
- NSS-120B Bypass
Water quality because dedurizatorul TAC Next Scale Stop next NSS-120B sa poata fi utilizat cu succes
Feed water/treatment water must meet the following conditions:
pH: 6.5 – 8.5
Duritate maxima: 72.8 grade germane
Presiune min/max – 1-5 bari (recomandam utilizarea cu o presiune max. de 4.5 bari)
Temperatura: 5°C to 43°C
Clor: < 3ppm
Fier (maxim): 0.3 mg/l
Mangan (maxim): 0.05 mg/l
Cupru (maxim): 1.3 mg/l
Ulei/petrol si hidrogen sulfurat: nu sunt permise
Polifosfat: nu este permis
Siliciu (maxim): 10 ppm
If the water is from a controlled source (waterworks) and meets drinking water standards, it is not necessary to carry out a water analysis.
Technical specifications:
Connections: 1″ IN/OUT;
Inaltime: 605 mm;
Diametru: 190 cm;
Se va schimba cartusul filtrant o data la fiecare 2 ani. Timp de doi ani nu exista mentenanta si interventie service!
2-year guarantee
Assembled in Romania. We use TAC Next Scale Stop (UK).
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