Sterilizator apa UV55 cu conectare la 3/4″
Sterilizatoarele cu ultraviolete sunt special concepute pentru dezinfectia apei cu scop de potabilizare. Acest echipament se utilizeaza in mod uzual pentru dezinfectia apei pe toata casa. Scopul sterilizatoarelor din seria AQUA UV este sa dezinfecteze toata apa ce se utilizeaza in casa. Ca orice echipament pentru filtrarea si potabilizarea apei, sterilizatorul cu ultraviolete se alege in functie de debitul de apa tratat.
Technical features:
Model: UV55
Debit maxim: 2900 l/h
Number of lamps: 1 pcs.
Putere: 55W
Connections: 3/4″ external thread
Diametru: 60 mm
Lungime: 940 mm
The ultraviolet sterilizer is indicated to be used for any water, whether the source is from the public water supply or from your own source (well/well water).
The efficiency of the ultraviolet sterilizer is closely linked to the quality of the feed water. For maximum efficiency, it is recommended that the water to be treated has the following parameters:
Maximum hardness: 7 degrees German
Iron <0,2 mg/l
Hydrogen sulfide <0,05 mg/l
Manganese < 0,05 mg/l
Suspensions < 10 mg/l
If the water does not meet the conditions mentioned above, it is necessary to treat it beforehand with specific media and suitable equipment.
About editing:
Sterilizatorul cu lampa UV a fost proiectat astfel incat se poate monta vertical/orizontal. Ideal, se va monta in pozitie verticala si cu conectorul lampii in partea de sus.
It will only be installed on cold water!
It is recommended to install a 5 micron fine filter before the UV sterilizer.
In cazul in care calitatea apei necesita mai multe echipamente de tratare, sterilizatorul se va monta ca ultima treapta de tratare inaintea funnizarii de apa catre casa.
The UV sterilizer is installed after the hydrophor, like any other water filtration and treatment equipment.
Este indicat ca traseele de conducte cu apa sa fie dezinfectate cu clor dioxid – eOxide.
If there are power interruptions or oscillating voltage, it is recommended to install a current stabilizer.
Din ce este compus sterilizatorul UV55?
- stainless steel housing - 1 pcs;
- quartz sheath - 1 pc;
- ballast (transformer) - 1 pc;
- UV lamp - 1 pcs;
- power cable - 1 pc;
- clamp - 2 pcs;
- o-ring - 2 pcs.
The UV Sterilizer contains a lamp that has a lifespan of 9000 hours, about one year. After 9000 hours, the lamp must be changed or the sterilizer will become ineffective.
Caution! Direct or reflected exposure to ultraviolet light will cause painful eye and skin irritation. Persons who may be accidentally exposed should wear special goggles, gloves and suitable protective clothing.
Final note: based on our experience, the disinfection rate with a UV sterilizer is between 10% - 80%. Of course, this rate is influenced by the type of sterilizer, the flow rate and the physico-chemical conditions of the water. In reality, the disinfection rate with a UV sterilizer can be lower than 10% but also higher than 80%.
Warranty: the warranty period is two years, except the replacement UV lamp which is a consumable.
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