PACHET PROMOTIONAL – ionizator apa Mediqua AK-2000 cu montare pe chiuveta. Doar in limita stocului disponibil!!!
The package contains:
Ionizator Mediqua - latest ionization technology, with 9 plates made of titanium and platinum, two built-in filters, UV sterilizer; Purchased separately = 9.500 lei
Additional filter ZADA which will be used as pre-filter (installed before the ionizer); Purchased separately = 900 lei
Crewelter/Mediqua ionizer cleaner – pentru eliminarea calcarului din aparat. Achizitionat separat = 2.100 lei
Below is the PROMO package:
Ionizator de apa Mediqua AK-2000, cu montare deasupra chiuvetei – este certificat ca dispozitiv medical in Coreea de Sud si de-asemenea detine certificat GPM pentru siguranta in consumul de apa.
Ionizatorul Mediqua AK-2000 produs de catre compania Jinnys in Coreea de Sud – este un dispozitiv medical pentru obtinerea apei alcaline cu hidrogen molecular (uz intern) si pentru obtinerea apei acide (uz extern).
Dintre toate ionizatoarele expuse pe site-ul nostru, Mediqua este cel mai modern si performant echipament. In plus, detine o multime de certificari foarte apreciate in aceasta industrie, dar cele mai importante sunt cele care demonstreaza faptul ca apa este sigura pentru consum si ca acest aparat este considerat dispozitiv medical, in Coreea de Sud. Acces la aceste certificari, mai jos prin click:
In plus, este singurul ionizator de apa cu performante testate in laborator, cu privire la puterea de dezinfectie a apei acide. Apa obtinuta de la Mediqua AK-2000, poate fi utilizata cu succes ca dezinfectant.
Access the analysis bulletin here: KATR laboratory analysis certifying that acid water produced with Mediqua is considered a disinfectant
Pe de o parte, consumi apa alcalina hidrogenata molecular, pentru cresterea imunitatii si detoxifiere, pe de alta parte utilizezi apa acida in loc de dezinfectanti chimici sau alcool.
De ce este cel mai bun ionizatorul Mediqua AK-2000?
- Ultraviolet water disinfection (UV lamp) - unique system! The lamp lights only when there is water consumption;
- Automatic waste water block when the "Purified Water" button is selected. This results in water savings, no other ionizer has this function;
- Dual, multi-layer filtration system included;
- The only ionizer on the market with the possibility of installation on the sink or under the sink (for the "under the sink" version, the installation grout and special battery are required). This is a major advantage, because if you change the place of use, you can choose to install it on the kitchen countertop or under the countertop.
Caracteristici tehnice – aspect ionizator: argintiu – foarte elegant si foarte frumos – cu ecran imens, tactil. Vezi si descriere in engleza: Ionizator Mediqua AK-2000
- 9 platinum-coated titanium plates - solid, whole plates (not the mesh/mesh type found in cheap ionizers). The size of one plate is 53 x 146 x 5 mm;
- UV technology (ultraviolet rays) for the destruction of bacteria, viruses, cryptosporidium and giardia cysts. This ionizer has a unique UV system that works only when water passes through the ionizer;
- Automatic filter life indicator - filter life is shown on the display;
- Item that announces the selected level type;
- LCD color display showing most important functions - at each alkalinization level, the display color changes;
- Dual filtration system with multiple layers for each filter;
- Achieve an incredible pH between 3 - 10;
- Possible pH values: 4 levels for alkaline water, 4 levels for acidic water, 1 level of neutral pH water (purified water);
- pH and ORP levels are programmable - can be manually adjusted;
- Touch buttons;
- SMPS power supply system - 368W for stable pH;
- ORP for alkaline water: - 650 - 850 (depending on water quality);
- Flexible stainless steel hose 100%, for water consumption;
- Unique self-healing system;
- Automatic diagnostics with on-screen error, if applicable.
- remove water from the two filters after each use;
- clean the electrolysis chamber after each use;
- clean after every filter change;
- Perform an additional flush every 20 liters used without interruption (you can set the flush to occur at 10, 20 or 30 liters) - this depends on the water hardness and the water load (TDS);
- Perform a cleaning if, for example, the power is suddenly cut off;
- clean the appliance if it has not been used for more than 24 hours
Alte specificatii tehnice Mediqua AK-2000:
Dimensions: 35 cm x 35 cm x 15 cm
Weight: 5.5 kg, with packaging 7.5 kg.
The indoor filtration system, designed for pure and tasty water:
This ionizer is designed to obtain not only a high quality alkaline ionized water, but also a very well filtered and disinfected water. The filtration/purification system consists of two consumable multi-layer filters and a non-changeable UV sterilizer (approximate life span 20 years). The UV (ultraviolet) system is designed to destroy: bacteria, viruses, cysts, fungi.
The filtration system, as described above, consists of two filters, namely:
Filter no. 1
Filtrul de schimb 1ST Mediqua AK-2000 – este compus din:
- 4 filtration layers namely: pure polypropylene of high density 10 micron; pure polypropylene of high density 5 micron; activated carbon obtained from coconut shell; pure polypropylene of high density 5 micron.
- Service life 4000 liters
Filter 2:
Filtrul de schimb 2ND Mediqua AK-2000 – este compus din:
- 6 layers, namely: pure polypropylene of high density 5 micron; activated carbon obtained from coconut shell; pure polypropylene of high density 5 micron; activated carbon obtained from coconut shell; calcium ceramic balls for chlorine and chloramine filtration; pure polypropylene of high density 5 micron.
- Life 8000 liters
Where is it used and for what?
- It is used for drinking alkaline water (detox water enriched with molecular hydrogen (hydroxyl ions);
- Se utilizeaza apa acida pentru uz extern, cu multiple aplicatii: dezinfectie, arsuri, iritatii, matreata si multe altele; Detine analiza de apa in care este demonstrat faptul ca apa acida are capacitate de dezinfectie;
- Se utilizeaza doar cu apa declarata potabila, din retelele de apa controlate, dezinfectate cu agenti de dezinfectie. Rolul filtrelor din interior este sa corecteze apa din retelele publice, sa elimine clorul, trihalometanul, metalul greu, rugina si nisipul, sa distruga chisturile de criptosporidium si giardia (ce sunt rezistente la clor) sa distruga bacterii si virusuri, ce pot contamina accidental apa. In cazul in care apa dvs. nu este dintr-o retea publica si verificata precum apa de foraj/put, captare din izvoare) este necesar sa efectuati un buletin de analiza si sa ni-l trimiteti prin email. Echipa noastra va poate consilia in obtinerea unei ape potabile, care sa poate fi utilizata impreuna cu ionizatorul Mediaqua AK-2000. Puteti verifica in acest sens o multime de proiecte pentru potabilizare, prin sectiunea din site-ul nostru: Equipment installed
- It is used at a single point of consumption, such as the kitchen. The ionizer should be installed in the kitchen near the sink. This equipment cannot be installed to obtain alkaline or acidic water for the whole house but only for one point of consumption.
- Use only with cold water, never with hot water (obtained from the hot water pipe)
Amplasarea ionizatorului Mediqua AK-2000
It will be installed in the kitchen, with the appliance positioned on the countertop or sink. If you purchase the "Under Sink" model, you will receive an installation putty which includes a modern battery and the necessary accessories so that the appliance can be converted "Under Sink". Under sink installation grout can also be purchased separately.
Prezentarea ionizatorului Mediqua AK-2000, in imagini video:
Warranty: 3 years
Produced by Jinnys CO, LDT (South Korea).
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